Sunday - Memorial Day "gathering"....
We had an impromptu "Miskell gathering" here yesterday....All is going well...Frankie and Mom went to visit Dad @ U.Mass Medical and they came here after for a cookout. Dad is going to Masonic/Overlook later today for a few days of Re-hab....I just talked to him this morning and he sounds great...I told him "Frankie and Bobby are sleeping on the two family room couches (one of them is just a love-seat) and Mom is on the living room couch...Tommy was the only smart one to go into a real "bed' we have no place to sit and watch the TV"....Dad said "Jeff is a stranger in his own house ha?" Too funny...Dad was know how the Miskell boys are. Bobby just got up as he smelled the "coffee"...Frankie and himself sang the following song "We are hairballs proud and true, and we'll sing our cheer for you .... Naaaaaaa"....that's what we woke up to this morning. Hairball family!!!
Mom was psyched to see some of her "boys".....but she's smarter than them...she went to bed at a reasonable hour....
Hanging out...
We love our was a "gorgeous" night to sit outside....
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