Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 25 - Lincoln's "Pumpkin Birthday Party" - Page 6

I couldn't resist a few more "cute" Lance is soaking wet from cleaning up after the Pumpkin Paint project....
Gift mahem...
Jill helping Taylor....

October 25 - Lincoln's "Pumpkin Birthday Party" - Page 5

Lincoln still having fun with his project!!!

Kids love painting pumpkins!!!

October 25 - Lincoln's "Pumpkin Birthday Party" - Page 4

Lance and Sean involed with this "Van Gogh" project....
Everyone was to busy with their projects!!!
Abby must have dumped out a gallon of paint...she probably wore half of it.
There must be more paint in there!!!

The kids had to be put in the tub or shower after this wonderful project!!!

October 25 - Lincoln's "Pumpkin Birthday Party" - Page 3

Abby eating cake and kissing Mom...

Cute one of Lincoln...

Abby and Lincoln with Pepe'.

Lance loved the little theatre they had at that wonderful library in Bristol.
Lance gets too intense reading this "truckopolis" poster!!!

October 25 - Lincoln's "Pumpkin Birthday Party" - Page 2

What could Atticus and Lance be discussing? Maybe today's politics? Don't they look like little "grown ups"?
Gavin has fun painting the pumpkins...Kathy is a wonderful Mom to allow this "mess" of a project....but boy the kids loved it!!!
On the morning of Lincoln's party, I took the boys out for a few hours so Mom and Dad could prepare the house....the Library in Bristol is "the best" place to bring the kids....Lance and Lincoln just loved this "Bob the Builder"!!!! Lance actually wanted me to take this photograph with himself..
This was a group of entertainers "dinasours"...that the library had come in....Lance and Lincoln were a little shy but Lance did get in the photograph...Lincoln was a little "weirded out"....they had fun though.
Here's a cute one of Lance joining in on the "dance/song" routine the "dinasour" had going on.

October 25 - Lincoln's "Pumpkin Birthday Party" - 2 years old...

McKenna with her "Grammie"...
The "Kitchen gals"....

Look at the adorable cake Kathy made for her adorable little 2 year old son Lincoln Jeffrey Archibald. Too cute!!!
Lincoln loved his Pumpkin Cake...
Love this one of himself blowing out the candles....Notice Lincoln has no shirt on...that kid loves to take off his clothes!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 18 - Glastonbury Fall Festival...Page 2 - the "boys" enjoying the concert....

Love this one of all the "guys" sitting on the hay stacks watching the band play.
Lincoln and Conor look so serious here....
Lincoln loved hanging with Conor....

October 18 - Glastonbury Fall Festival...with the Kates and Weeter....and the "boys"

I'd say the Kates are brave to take 5 little boys (ages 2 to 6) to the Glastonbury Fall Festival with Weeter - aka Kari Olsen. Looks like they had fun...Jared and Conor on the "trucks".
They all had turns going down the huge slide...
Here's Weeter with Kyle...

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 18 - Conway, NH "Homecoming Dance"....Jeffrey Sires and his friends...

Photographs of Jeff with his friends as they were leaving for the annual "Homecoming Dance" at Kennett High School in Conway, New Hampshire. Pictured here: Jeff with Sam Meador. Don't they all look so happy and "handsome"????

The "group": Scotty Saunders and Vicky Weigold , Tommy Wagner and Molly Saunders, Jeff Sires and Sam Meador

Looks like fun!!!!

October 19 - Outside with the "girls"....Abby and Ivy...

We had a "girl's" weekend here in Chelmsford...Abby and Ivy slept over and got to hang out in the yard with all the leaves on Sunday. Abby just loved having Ivy here with her!!!
Ivy is too gorgeous...
Carrie and Clinton with the "girls".....

Love this happy photograph!!!

October 16 - Walk with the Boys from Bristol and Gable...Page 2

Love this one with Gable...he just loves getting out for hikes with everyone.

October 16 - Walk with the Boys from Bristol and Gable...

Kathy with her little sons...
Lance concentrates on the "sticks"....
Rolling down the mountain...

We took the boys out to this neat little "animal" trail in Bristol. It was a perfect "night" for a little hike. Gable loves a few cute photographs of Kathy with her little boys!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 18 - Visit to Brookdale Farm...Sandra and Ivy Jane...

I love this photograph of Sandra walking along with Ivy Jane. Ivy likes hanging out with Sandra....
Brookdale farm was all "be-decked" for the Halowe'en holiday coming up soon!!!
The sky was so vibrant tonight....Love the Fall weather!!!