Sunday, June 29, 2008

Flashback to April 27 - Video of Lance having a "serious" talk with Sammy "I need your help"...

I just love this video of Lance having a "serious discussion" with Sammy. Lance wanted Sam to help him dig for "worms" to go fishing in his little "river" in their back yard. Lance says "I need your help Sam"...."I have a big problem"...and "need to get some boats in the river"....I just love the conversation!!! So does Sammy .. he is a great "older brother" to the "boys from Bristol".

June 30 - My friend Carol's Birthday

My friend Carol will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow....Happy Birthday Carol....I came up with a few photographs from some "fun" happenings!!! Here is Carol at the Abby in is the most gorgeous place to visit. You can't talk while you're in the church. The clergy sing and chant. It is so peaceful there...Mom and Dad love going too. I won't be home tomorrow as I'm off to Southbridge to hang out with Mom and Dad....Have fun Carol!!!
Here we are at a Mass for Kathy and Brian "engaged couples" - with Deacon Larry.

Off to Florida with Cindy, Gladys and Veronica....what a blast we had a few years ago...can't wait to go back again.
Tommy helped us collect "shark's teeth" while we were at the beach. We lucked out with the gorgeous weather....what a fun trip.

Flashback to June 25 - the "couch game"...

Pepe' tickles her and then twirls her around...she loves it....
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Flashback to June 25 - page 2

Pepe' loves to tease Abby....

Here Pepe' is beginning a "bounce around the couch" routine that Abby is used to doing with him...she loves it and she laughs!!!
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Flashback to June 25 - Abby visiting...

Here is a "tired" Abby...she fell asleep in the living room on the beach towel. Then 20 minutes later, she woke up like "I own this place"....she's too cute sleeping ha? Her parents were at the Red Sox Game....
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Ryan Nguyen arrives in our "crazy" world!!!

This is Steve's little son....He works with Jeff at Raytheon....Congratulations to you and your adorable family Steve!!!! "We're very happy to announce that our little boy (Ryan Nguyen) has arrived on June 23, 2008 at 22:55, weight: 7 lbs 9 oz. and length: 20".

What a gorgeous little boy!!!
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Flashback to April 27 - Hanging out in Bristol with the Boys....

I'm going to catch up on all my blog entries today....Yippee....It's great to have a new blog page now....I still have a few more "happenings" to add....I love this photograph of Lincoln in Page Park down in Bristol...Lynne (Nana) and myself - along with Sammy helped take care of the boys for a week while Kathy/Brian and some friends spent some time in the Bahamas...we had a great visit..the weather was warm and sunny for April. More photographs in a few minutes....
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June 28 - Chelmsford - Family Summer Lunch

We all got together for some steak, chicken, wine and beer this saturday. Here are some photos of the action. Welcome to my new blog.

Why do I have a new blog

Hi Everyone, this is Carrie (Jeannie's daughter). It seems the photo lady has filled up all the space on her old blog so here's the next incarnation of Life of Jeannie. Welcome :-)