Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More "Ice Storm" photographs - Patenaude's Pond...

Check out this lovely Patenaude's Pond....

I lucked out as a Blue Heron was just taking off from the pond.....he did not seem bothered by the icy conditions...New England at it's best/worst.

December 12 - Carrie's "Ice Storm" Birthday!!!

The day after the Ice Storm of the century...I traveled out and got some really neat photographs....these were taken at Robert's Field behind my house...
This one was on Clover Hill Drive....looks like a "painting"....

It's been a while since I've's been so "out of control" power for 6 days can make life crazy...although we had a generator!!! The day after the storm was absolutely "gorgeous" for taking photographs of the scenery. Carrie put some of these on her blog page too...check them out at: