Life of Jeannie Take Two
Friday, May 29, 2009
Spring 2009 - Jeffrey's "Garden Thief"....
Here is our "garden thief"....A groundhog has eaten ALL of Jeffrey's lettace and cukes....Jeff said it's been his best garden in years....and this groundhog gets in and around the fence and just helps himself.....last week a cute little bunny ate all the "carrot" plants....I guess the groundhog figures we're taking over his "territory".....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday - Memorial Day "gathering"....
We had an impromptu "Miskell gathering" here yesterday....All is going well...Frankie and Mom went to visit Dad @ U.Mass Medical and they came here after for a cookout. Dad is going to Masonic/Overlook later today for a few days of Re-hab....I just talked to him this morning and he sounds great...I told him "Frankie and Bobby are sleeping on the two family room couches (one of them is just a love-seat) and Mom is on the living room couch...Tommy was the only smart one to go into a real "bed' we have no place to sit and watch the TV"....Dad said "Jeff is a stranger in his own house ha?" Too funny...Dad was know how the Miskell boys are. Bobby just got up as he smelled the "coffee"...Frankie and himself sang the following song "We are hairballs proud and true, and we'll sing our cheer for you .... Naaaaaaa"....that's what we woke up to this morning. Hairball family!!!
Mom was psyched to see some of her "boys".....but she's smarter than them...she went to bed at a reasonable hour....
Hanging out...
We love our was a "gorgeous" night to sit outside....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Anniversary Theresa and Earl..May 24, 1986
Happy Anniversary to you
Happy Anniversary to you
Happy Anniversary Dear Theresa and Earl...
Happy Anniversary to you!!!!
Can't believe it was 23 years ago today....It was a "gorgeous" wedding in Sturbridge....Dad was the "officiant" with Earl's Dad....lots of fun stories from that day!!! Congratulations to you both!!!!
May 23 - Earl Wayne Sires IV graduation-U.New Hampshire
I thought these professors looked so "official" they belong over in Dublin at Trinity College. Jean, Tommy, Theresa, Earl, Jeff and Sam attended Earl's graduation Saturday at the University of New's hard to believe he's all grown up and ready to go out into the world. He's actually going into the Americore...he's going to California for training and then off on a 1-year work project. It's great for him....he'll need to write a book about his experiences. Congratulations Eladio!!!
Theresa is always so enthusiastic...she saw someone she knew from New Hampshire and just looks so happy. Congratulations to Earl's family too..I remember when our daughters graduated from college's a very happy time....
Sammy and Matt were "long-boarding" and going a little fast...Sam fell and broke his arm.....I guess he'll have the cast for 4-6 weeks.
Tom, Jeff and Theresa. Tommy hand carried some cheese/crackers....we had a nice spot on the hill...the rain held off and the sun kept trying to creep through. Great day!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
May 8 - Breakfast with Abby...saying Hi to her Mom and Dad
I had Abby say hi to her Mom and Dad this morning...We'll go to Ballet this afternoon then home to Dad and Mom comes home from "York" life for Abby!!!
Abby visiting with Grammie and Pepe - May 7 & 8
Carrie is on a business trip to Long Island, New York so we have Miss Abby for the night/day...we went out to eat with Sandra and then Pepe' read her stories... She loves to climb all over Pepe'.
Love the look on her face here...she's a "devil"....
I said "say hi to Mom and Dad"...she's too busy drinking her "chocolate milk"'s a "sideways" hi anyway....